Category: Analog I/O
Tokyo Devices TDFA60250
TDFA60250 is a USB voltage meter that supports 0-5V and 1-5V analog signals. It can provide real-time data acquisition at a speed of up to 1,000 samples per second with a resolution of 12 bits (4,096 levels).
Tokyo Devices TDFA60220
The TDFA60220 is a USB current meter designed for recording and processing 4-20mA analog current signals. It can capture current values in real-time on a PC with a resolution of 12 bits (4,096 levels).
Tokyo Devices TDFA60350
TDFA60350 is an analog output unit that outputs a 0-5V voltage signal from USB. Output voltage can be controlled in 4,096 steps using control commands compatible with Windows and Linux.
Tokyo Devices TDFA6075P
TDFA6075P is an analog signal conversion board that converts 1-5V voltage signals to 4-20mA current signals. Can be used for instrumentation sensors, etc.
Tokyo Devices TDFA6032A
TDFA6032A is an analog output unit that outputs a 0-20mA or 4-20mA current signal from the USB port. Output current can be controlled in 2,048 steps using Windows/Linux compatible control commands.