USB Relay controller, 8 Contacts, Form C, 6A 250V, 12V Power

Tokyo Devices
Model Number:
Released on:
Dec 2015

Relay and Digital I/O    

IWT313-USB is a relay control module with USB connection. Compatible with on/off of DC12V, DC24V, AC 100V, etc. It can be easily controlled from Windows or Linux using a dedicated command line interface.



Package Contents

Additional Requirements

A 12V power supply capable of providing 1A is needed for the relays. You can connect the power cable directly to the terminal block or use an AC adapter. If using an AC adapter, consider the suitable AC adapter (IWAC12-1.0) listed in the related products.

How to Use the Control Program

The IWT313 is controlled using the TD-USB command. TD-USB is a command-line program that works on both Windows and Linux.

> td-usb set 255

This command turns ON all relay channels on the connected IWT313-USB.

The first argument set is a fixed command string to configure the relay state.

The second argument 255 represents 11111111 in binary, meaning all 8 channels are ON. If you specify 128, it translates to 10000000 in binary, so only channel 8 is ON, while the other channels remain OFF.

To control the module from a custom program, call TD-USB as an external program. For more details, refer to the TD-USB README.

Additionally, on Windows, the demo application TD-AppKit allows relay control through a graphical interface.


If an error indicating that vcruntime140.dll is missing appears at startup, please install the necessary library here.

The old control program "iwt313ctl" is still available for use and download but will not be maintained in the future. For new development, use the TD-USB commands.

Related Keywords

USB relay control, USB contact output, serial port relay control, Raspberry Pi relay, Linux relay, Windows relay control

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In Stock: 8

Qty Price
1 77.14 USD
10 70.00 USD
100 66.29 USD